
Немно́го о языке́ 6.1 Ноя́брь — тяжёлый ме́сяц

Verbal Aspect in the Past Tense

Упражне́ние 1

The Russian sentences on the left reflect information from the first opening text. Match those sentences with the English fragments that best represent their meaning.

1. Ама́нда гото́вила презента́цию три дня. was preparing finished preparing
2. Ама́нда пригото́вила презента́цию во вто́рник. was preparing finished preparing
3. Ама́нда чита́ла статьи́ весь день. spent all day reading read through
4. Ама́нда прочита́ла все статьи́. spent all day reading read through
5. Ама́нда писа́ла план всё воскресе́нье. spent all Sunday writing finished writing
6. Ама́нда написа́ла после́днюю фра́зу те́кста
то́лько во вто́рник в два часа́.
spent all Sunday writing finished writing

Compare the past tense verbs in each pair of Russian sentences. The verbs:

In each pair of sentences above the essential meaning of the verb does NOT change, but our view of the action changes – we move from a focus on actions that are processes and fill a duration of time (Sentences 1, 3, 5) to a focus on actions that can be viewed as a completed whole, with a specific result: in sentence 2 the presentation is ready; in 4 the articles are read; in 6 the presentation is all written and ready.

The Russian word to describe these two kinds of outlook on actions is вид, which literally means “view” (like the verb ви́деть). In grammar discussions this outlook on actions is traditionally called “aspect.” Russian verbs can come in one of two aspects, or ways of viewing actions. There is imperfective aspect (несоверше́нный вид) and perfective aspect (соверше́нный вид). Each of these aspects is associated with specific ways of viewing actions.

You have not had to think about aspect before, because most of the actions you dealt with previously were in the present tense. Present time actions are expressed only by imperfective verbs in Russian. So most of the verbs you already know (знать, изуча́ть, учи́ться, смотре́ть, встава́ть, у́жинать, занима́ться) are imperfective.

In the past tense, imperfective verbs focus on:

ongoing actions/processes that
unfold over a duration of time

I wrote and drank tea all night long.
Я писа́ла и пила́ чай всю ночь.
I worked two hours.
Я рабо́тал два часа́.

actions that are habitual or repeated; that happen regularly

Every morning I would eat breakfast.
Ка́ждое у́тро я за́втракал.
Every day I used to play soccer.
Ка́ждый день я игра́л в футбо́л.
In class we read stories and answered questions.
На заня́тиях мы чита́ли расска́зы и отвеча́ли на вопро́сы.*

telling that an action took place without focus on completion

What did you do yesterday?
Что вы де́лали вчера́?
I prepared my presentation.
Я гото́вил презента́цию.
We've read that book.
Мы чита́ли э́ту кни́гу.
We watched TV yesterday.
Мы смотре́ли телеви́зор.*

In the past, perfective verbs are used to focus on:

the completion of the action and achieving a result

I wrote two letters.
Я написа́л два письма́.*
Amanda prepared her presentation.
Ама́нда пригото́вила презента́цию.*

a sequence of consecutive actions, where one is completed before the next action begins

Amanda read some articles, wrote an outline, and prepared her presentation.
Ама́нда прочита́ла статьи́, написа́ла план и пригото́вила презента́цию.*

as an expected action or an anticipated result

Have you read Anna Karenina yet?
Вы уже́ прочита́ли А́нну Каре́нину?*

The choice of imperfective or a perfective verb will often depend on what you want to say, or how an action is situated among others in a larger context. Be sure to look at the context, as you decide what kind of view you want to take of the action.

Упражне́ние 2

Below you will find large excerpts from the opening texts in this unit. Match each verb with the usage that it shows.


1. В суббо́ту я чита́ла статьи́. Repeated Naming
2. В воскресе́нье я писа́ла конспе́кты. Repeated Naming
3. В понеде́льник ве́чером я ещё писа́ла текст
Duration Repeated
4. Поэ́тому я не спала́. Duration Naming
5. Я всю ночь пила́ чай и писа́ла. Duration Repeated


1. После́днюю фра́зу я написа́ла уже́ во
вто́рник в два часа́ дня
Result Sequence
2. Я бы́стро оде́лась, почи́стила зу́бы
и пошла́ в университе́т.
Result Sequence
3. Ты опозда́ла? Sequence Exp. Outcome
4. Нет, не опозда́ла. Я никогда́ не опа́здываю… Result Sequence

Упражне́ние 3

The sentences below are a connected story in English where the verbs are highlighted. Think about the kind of action that each highlighted verb represents in the story and decide whether you would use an imperfective or a perfective verb in the context in Russian. You do not have to translate the sentences.

On Friday Grace went to bed late. imperfective perfective
On Saturday morning she woke up at 9am. imperfective perfective
She realized ... imperfective perfective
... that she would be late to work at 10am. imperfective perfective
Grace used to work evenings, ... imperfective perfective
... but this year her schedule changed. imperfective perfective
She got up ... imperfective perfective
... and showered quickly. imperfective perfective
Last year, when she lived in the dorm, ... imperfective perfective
... she would get up early on Saturdays. imperfective perfective
She would eat breakfast. imperfective perfective
Over breakfast she liked to read the news on her phone. imperfective perfective

друг дру́га = each other

The Russian expression for «each other» is a two word phrase друг дру́га in which the first word does not decline, while the second word does. This expression has no nominative case form and cannot be used as the subject of a sentence in Russian. The sentences below will show you the forms for the cases you already know.

Ама́нда и Же́ня живу́т недалеко́ друг от дру́га.
Amanda and Zhenya don't live far from each other.
Genitive with preposition от
Ама́нда и Ка́тя вчера́ не ви́дели друг дру́га.
Amanda and Katya didn't see each other yesterday.
Accusative for direct object
Ама́нда и Ка́тя зна́ют не всё друг о дру́ге.
Amanda and Katya don't know everything about each other.
Prepositional with preposition о

When the expression друг дру́га is used with a preposition, the preposition comes: