
Вы всё по́няли? 6.1 Ноя́брь — тяжёлый ме́сяц

Упражне́ние 1

Choose the appropriate answer to each question.

1. In this episode of the story Amanda seems to be…
а. happy and carefree.
б. confused and scared.
в. upset and ashamed.
г. angry and worried.
2. The event that triggered these emotions was that...
а. Amanda had a major fight with Zhenya.
б. Amanda slept through her presentation.
в. Amanda did not prepare a presentation.
г. Amanda left her presentation at home.
3. Katya... (choose all that apply)
а. asks whether Amanda did her presentation.
б. asks whether Amanda has started preparing.
в. asks where Amanda was on Saturday.
г. asks where Amanda was yesterday.
4. Amanda...
а. worked on preparing for three days.
б. started preparing Tuesday at 3:00.
в. finished everything on Saturday.
г. did everything start to finish in one day.
5. On Monday night Amanda...
а. stayed up until 2:00 a.m. reading.
б. started preparing her presentation.
в. was awake writing and drinking tea.
г. got a call from Zhenya at 2:00 a.m.
6. On Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. Amanda…
а. brushed her teeth, then got dressed and headed out.
б. got dressed, then brushed her teeth and headed out.
в. brushed her teeth, then had lunch and headed out.
г. had lunch, then brushed her teeth and headed out.
7. Amanda told her teacher...
а. that she had not done her work.
б. that she had left the work at home.
в. that she had not brough her laptop.
г. that she had not emailed the work.
8. Katya thinks the outcome of the situation...
а. is horrible; she's worried about Amanda.
б. is wonderful; she's delighted for Amanda.
в. will be okay and is not upset for Amanda.
г. is ashamed and mortified for Amanda.
9. After class Amanda went...
а. back home to catch up on some sleep.
б. to a nearby café to get a large coffee.
в. somewhere, but we don't know where.
г. to tell Katya all about what happened.
10. Amanda says "в при́нципе презента́ция была́ вчера́" because…
а. the presentation was to do with theories, not facts.
б. the presentation did not happen as class did not meet.
в. the presentation happened exactly as scheduled.
г. the presentation was scheduled but did not take place.

Упражне́ние 2. Где э́то бы́ло?

Read each sentence and decide on the context in which the event mentioned took place: in the kitchen of the dorm, in Amanda's room, or at the university. Check your answer by rolling over the answer column.

1. Ама́нда писа́ла конспе́кты. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
2. Ка́тя спроси́ла Ама́нду, где она́ была́ вчера́. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
3. Ама́нда чита́ла статьи́. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
4. Ама́нда поняла́, что она́ не сохрани́ла файл на фле́шкe. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
5. Ама́нда пила́ чай. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
6. Ама́нда писа́ла текст презента́ции. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те
7. Ама́нда сказа́ла, что она́ никогда́ не опа́здывает. на ку́хне в ко́мнате в университе́те

Упражне́ние 3. Э́то ве́рно и́ли неве́рно?

Read each sentences and decide if it reflects the way things happened in the story episode.

1. Amanda started writing her outline on Tuesday. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
2. She worked on her presentation from Saturday on. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
3. She did all the reading before she made her outline. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
4. She worked on the outline all of Sunday. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
5. The actual text of the presentation got started Sunday. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
6. Amanda finished her text just about an hour before class. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
7. The teacher brought a laptop to class. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
8. Amanda left her flash drive on her desk in the dorm. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно

Упражне́ние 4. Но́вые глаго́лы

Listen to these phrases. Identify the verb's meaning by choosing the English equivalent.

1. wrote happened prepared
2. prepared read gave
3. opened closed forgot
4. was late to headed to prepped for
5. opened saved brought
6. forgot opened lost

Упражне́ние 5. Э́то ве́рно и́ли неве́рно?

Listen to the sentences and decide if they reflect the way things happened in the story episode.

1. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
2. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
3. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
4. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
5. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
6. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
7. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
8. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно
9. Э́то ве́рно Э́то неве́рно