
3.3 Что чита́ют россия́не?

Below are the results from two different surveys conducted in 2010 and 2012 about the reading and listening habits of Russians. Each survey allowed respondents to choose more than one option, so the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

Do not reach for a dictionary when doing this part of the activity. The surveys contain a number of international words. When you sound out these words, you should be able to guess their English equivalents.  If you are still uncertain about a word’s meaning, see if context can help you.  Are there any examples (often given in parentheses) that explain the unknown words? Try to use as many clues and strategies as possible to understand as much of the surveys as you can.

Look at the survey data in the tabs below and answer the questions that follow each survey.

Вопро́с 1
Вопро́с 2
Вопро́с 3

Исто́чники: ФОМ Media, Настоя́щая му́зыка.