
Вы всё по́няли? 6.7 Что мне де́лать?

Упражне́ние 1. Как в те́ксте?

Getting these questions right hinges on understanding the verb tenses Amanda and Katya use. If you get an answer wrong, check the text again to find where the correct information is conveyed in the conversation.

Упражне́ние 2. Э́то ве́рно и́ли неве́рно?

Read each sentences and decide if it reflects the way things happened in the story episode.

Упражне́ние 3. А как сказа́ли по-ру́сски?

Each of the following verb forms occur in this episode. Remember that when perfective verbs are conjugated, they convey future meaning. Choose the meaning conveyed by each form. If you need to check the episode again, do so.

Упражне́ние 4. Что говоря́т?

You will hear a verb phrase. Listen and choose the most logical continuation.